Event: Brawlhalla RTT by Cardhalla and Leagues of Brotann Nov.

Izzy Welper

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + FACTION KEYWORD: Xenos - Tyranids + DETACHMENT: Invasion Fleet + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000pts + + WARLORD: Char3: Broodlord + ENHANCEMENT: Perfectly Adapted (on Char1: Broodlord) & Adaptive Biology (on Char2: Neurotyrant) + NUMBER OF UNITS: 15 + SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: (4x2) + (2x4) - Assassination: 4 Characters - Cull The Horde: 1x5 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Char1: 1x Deathleaper (80 pts): Lictor Claws and Talons Char2: 1x The Swarmlord (240 pts): Bone Sabres, Synaptic Pulse Char3: 1x Broodlord (95 pts): Warlord, Broodlord Claws and Talons Enhancement: Perfectly Adapted (+15 pts) Char4: 1x Neurotyrant (130 pts): Neurotyrant claws and lashes, Psychic scream Enhancement: Adaptive Biology (+25 pts) 20x Termagants (120 pts): 20 with Chitinous Claws and Teeth, Fleshborer 1x Biovores (50 pts): Chitin-barbed Limbs, Spore Mine Launcher 10x Genestealers (150 pts): 10 with Genestealers claws and talons 1x Neurolictor (90 pts): Piercing Claws and Talons 3x Von Ryan's Leapers (70 pts): 3 with Leaper's Talons 3x Von Ryan's Leapers (70 pts): 3 with Leaper's Talons 6x Zoanthropes (200 pts) • 1x Neurothrope: Warp Blast, Xenos Claws and Teeth • 5x Zoanthrope: 5 with Warp Blast, Xenos Claws and Teeth 1x Norn Emissary (275 pts): Monsterous Rending Talons, Monsterous Scything Talons, Psychic Tendril 1x Psychophage (95 pts): Psycholastic Torrent, Talons and Betentacled Maw 1x Screamer-killer (145 pts): Bio-plasmic Scream, Screamer-killer Talons 1x Tyrannofex (190 pts): Powerful Limbs, Stinger Salvoes, Rupture Cannon undefined