Imperial KnightsMark Davidson - 337
Chaos DaemonsDom Ridley - 337
Space MarinesMark Gallagher - 337
OrksBrian Seipp - 337
AeldariMichael Arnold - 337
Space MarinesMark Stanton - 337
Leagues of VotannJack Patten - 337
Chaos Space MarinesBrett Armitage - 337
Death GuardAlex Thomas - 337
Space MarinesAlex Harrison7 - 0 337
Space MarinesJosh Roberts6 - 1 337
Chaos DaemonsMichael Hooper5 - 0 337
T’au EmpireFernando Soriano5 - 0 337
Space MarinesAdam Wass5 - 0 337
Genestealer CultsInnes Wilson5 - 1 337
Thousand SonsBrett Smith5 - 0 337
YnarriColin Power5 - 0 337
Death GuardAiden Smalley5 - 0 337
Chaos Space MarinesBruce Duffy5 - 1 337
NecronsMatt Bell4 - 1 337
DrukhariAdam Gourlay4 - 1 337
Astra MilitarumCharles Gould4 - 1 337
YnarriSam Fisher4 - 1 337
OrksVincent Stein4 - 1 337
Adeptus CustodesMika Gawin4 - 1 337
Space MarinesJames Wadey4 - 0 - 1337
Astra MilitarumRowan Hesse4 - 1 337
Adeptus CustodesRory Andrew4 - 1 337
T’au EmpireKyle Grundy4 - 1 337
Chaos KnightsJay Middlecote4 - 1 337
AeldariPearce Condren4 - 1 337
OrksCalum Mehay4 - 1 337
Adeptus MechanicusHeiðar Þór Stefánsson4 - 1 337
AeldariGiulio Cesare Ghermandi4 - 1 337
Space MarinesSeb Bowen4 - 1 337
Death GuardCraig Farrell4 - 1 337
Astra Militarumgeraint daniel4 - 1 337
Imperial KnightsCarl Cooke4 - 1 337
TyranidsGreg Chamberlain4 - 1 337
Chaos Space MarinesJoshua James4 - 1 337
Imperial KnightsRees Darvill4 - 1 337
Death GuardJack Ferguson4 - 1 337
TyranidsLee Page4 - 1 337
Space MarinesNathan Whitbread4 - 1 337
TyranidsScott Morris4 - 1 337
Grey KnightsMarkus Hinson4 - 1 337
World EatersAidan Sutherley-Gilmour4 - 1 337
AeldariDan Morris4 - 1 337
Genestealer CultsAndy Mitten4 - 1 337
World EatersJosie Cartwright4 - 1 337
YnarriBen Jones4 - 1 337
Grey KnightsAdam Gladders4 - 1 337
Adeptus CustodesJason Riley4 - 1 337
YnarriSebastian Long4 - 1 337
TyranidsMatthew Langton4 - 1 337
Dark AngelsChristopher Langton4 - 1 337
Space MarinesMichael Duff4 - 1 337
Chaos KnightsChris Cho4 - 1 337
TyranidsAlex Watson4 - 1 337
NecronsAndy Quas-Cohen4 - 1 337
Space MarinesJohn Bird3 - 2 337
NecronsJosh Bevington3 - 2 337
AeldariMichele Mallardo3 - 2 337
TyranidsMichael Glenwright3 - 2 337
NecronsLuke Harris3 - 1 - 1337
Chaos Space MarinesJason Rivers3 - 1 - 1337
Death GuardKyle Mcsweeney3 - 2 337
Space MarinesPhil Roebuck3 - 2 337
World EatersLuke Barron3 - 2 337
World EatersLogan Sama3 - 2 337
Space WolvesElliott Murphy3 - 2 337
NecronsJack Dillon3 - 2 337
World EatersRichard Kilpatrick3 - 2 337
Chaos Space MarinesHenry Summers3 - 2 337
T’au EmpireGreg Blackburn3 - 2 337
Death GuardHarry Lees3 - 2 337
Adeptus CustodesJeremy Cronin3 - 2 337
Space MarinesKian McNab3 - 2 337
AeldariLiam Keane3 - 2 337
Chaos DaemonsGlenn Connolly3 - 1 - 1337
Blood AngelsJonny Crabtree3 - 2 337
NecronsDanny Evison3 - 2 337
NecronsMark Crombleholme3 - 2 337
Genestealer CultsSeb Marziano3 - 2 337
NecronsMichal Zelazowski3 - 2 337
Chaos Space MarinesLiam Young3 - 2 337
NecronsSamuel Braben3 - 2 337
Astra MilitarumRyan Rees3 - 1 - 1337
YnarriDavid Howie3 - 2 337
Space WolvesGeorge Leathley3 - 2 337
Black TemplarsLuca Kordbache3 - 2 337
World EatersMicheal Dalby3 - 2 337
Adeptus CustodesGeorge Ford3 - 2 337
Adeptus CustodesKylo TURLEY3 - 2 337
Grey KnightsTom Coppin3 - 2 337
Astra MilitarumSam Boardman3 - 2 337
Death GuardRhys “Mollineux” White3 - 2 337
Adeptus CustodesChong Liu3 - 1 - 1337
Blood AngelsNicolas Ballesteros3 - 2 337
Space MarinesScott McCutcheon3 - 2 337
T’au EmpireWill B3 - 2 337
Chaos KnightsJames Wilson3 - 2 337
Astra MilitarumDavid Gaylard3 - 0 - 2337
Dark AngelsDave Parker3 - 2 337
OrksJack Gregory3 - 2 337
Chaos KnightsSam Berryman3 - 2 337
Imperial KnightsJames Boyle3 - 2 337
Chaos Space MarinesNathan Roberts3 - 2 337
Astra MilitarumMark Cawdrey3 - 2 337
Space MarinesTaff Jones3 - 2 337
DrukhariDavid Lisle3 - 1 - 1337
Space MarinesAndy Plummer3 - 2 337
Thousand SonsHarry Dobson3 - 2 337
World EatersRyan McMullan3 - 2 337
OrksRichard Gaskell3 - 2 337
Imperial KnightsOliver Campbell3 - 0 - 2337
Space MarinesJack Sharratt3 - 2 337
Blood Angelsmatt charles3 - 2 337
Imperial KnightsStefan Rzedzian3 - 2 337
Adeptus CustodesJosh Mortimer3 - 1 337
Leagues of VotannChristopher Abbott3 - 2 337
Adeptus CustodesDuncan Dishington3 - 2 337
OrksBen Crosthwaite3 - 2 337
TyranidsPaul Copley3 - 1 337
OrksSimon Fisher3 - 2 337
TyranidsBen Hocking3 - 2 337
NecronsDavid Carr3 - 2 337
Grey KnightsJoshua Bradwell3 - 2 337
Imperial KnightsRhys Mahoney3 - 2 337
Leagues of VotannMaurice Straughan3 - 2 337
Space MarinesJoseph Kean3 - 1 - 1337
TyranidsDan Jones3 - 2 337
Chaos DaemonsJoe Senior3 - 2 337
AeldariMaxwell Koch3 - 2 337
Chaos KnightsCallum Byers3 - 2 337
Space WolvesMatiss Krumins3 - 2 337
Astra MilitarumChris Ward3 - 2 337
Adeptus CustodesDanny Kelley3 - 2 337
OrksThomas Phillips-Howard3 - 2 337
TyranidsMichael Ashbrook3 - 2 337
Death GuardJames McMurray3 - 2 337
NecronsEdward Hodge3 - 2 337
Dark AngelsMatt Pocock3 - 2 337
Death GuardWilliam Reed3 - 2 337
T’au Empirekonnor collins3 - 1 - 1337
Death GuardOliver Leaver3 - 2 337
Space MarinesChris Chung3 - 2 337
Imperial KnightsBen Lane3 - 1 337
T’au EmpireJordan Davies3 - 2 337
DrukhariRidvan Martinez3 - 1 - 1337
Chaos KnightsJonny Simmons3 - 2 337
OrksPhilip Stoney3 - 2 337
Chaos Space MarinesOllie Pickett3 - 2 337
Genestealer CultsStephen Platten3 - 2 337
Leagues of VotannKyle O'Reilly3 - 2 337
Imperial KnightsDaniel Sykes3 - 2 337
OrksJordan Fenlon2 - 2 - 1337
TyranidsDaniel Peterson2 - 3 337
Chaos DaemonsJack Stezaker2 - 2 - 1337
Chaos KnightsNathan Brown2 - 3 337
Chaos KnightsDarragh Magee2 - 3 337
TyranidsAdam Studdart2 - 3 337
Death GuardTank Roberts2 - 2 337
Grey KnightsJacob Wells2 - 3 337
Space MarinesAdam Crellin2 - 3 337
Chaos Space MarinesAli Spencer Samuel2 - 3 337
Chaos DaemonsMarc Mawson2 - 3 337
Adeptus CustodesDan Brooke2 - 2 - 1337
Thousand SonsJohn Daniels-Wright2 - 3 337
Chaos Space MarinesAlistair Notman2 - 2 - 1337
T’au EmpireMark Anderson2 - 3 337
YnarriVik Vijay2 - 1 337
Grey KnightsJim Eccles2 - 3 337
Chaos KnightsStuart Hargreaves2 - 3 337
DrukhariDavid Redmond2 - 3 337
Astra MilitarumNicholas Siedlich2 - 2 - 1337
T’au EmpireDavid Jones2 - 3 337
Genestealer CultsNick Elback2 - 3 337
Death GuardMarc Rowe2 - 3 337
Adeptus CustodesAndy Cotton2 - 2 - 1337
AeldariGraeme Reid2 - 3 337
Blood AngelsNathan Rogers2 - 3 337
DrukhariMatt Gibson2 - 3 337
Grey KnightsMike Harvey2 - 3 337
Chaos Space MarinesRichard Matthews2 - 3 337
NecronsMatt Day2 - 2 - 1337
Dark AngelsDominic Hindmarch2 - 3 337
Black TemplarsMike Riley2 - 3 337
Adeptus MechanicusJac Vincent2 - 3 337
Dark AngelsBen Pritchard2 - 3 337
World EatersJack Morrison2 - 3 337
World EatersDaniel Trickett2 - 3 337
Astra MilitarumGordon Easingwood2 - 3 337
Astra MilitarumJames McGlough2 - 3 337
Space MarinesDominik Przybylski2 - 3 337
Imperial KnightsAndrew Nelson2 - 3 337
World EatersPaul Sheard2 - 2 337
AeldariEdd Connolly2 - 3 337
AeldariTom Crowther2 - 3 337
Space WolvesEd Bennett2 - 3 337
Chaos KnightsDarren Fleming2 - 2 - 1337
Blood AngelsJack Watkins2 - 3 337
Space MarinesBoots 2 - 3 337
Imperial KnightsKenneth Ward2 - 3 337
Astra MilitarumAllan Gibson2 - 3 337
Blood AngelsPaul Willstead2 - 3 337
AeldariOlly Paul2 - 3 337
Leagues of VotannAndy Mulholland2 - 3 337
Adeptus CustodesLarry Martin2 - 2 337
DrukhariMiles Lang2 - 3 337
Adeptus MechanicusLawrence Walsh2 - 3 337
Chaos Space MarinesNathan Evans2 - 3 337
T’au EmpireJack Downing2 - 3 337
Adeptus MechanicusAlex Charlesworth2 - 3 337
Chaos DaemonsTaylor Pugh2 - 3 337
Astra MilitarumNiall Jenkins2 - 2 - 1337
Chaos Space MarinesCraig Spiers2 - 3 337
Astra MilitarumMatthew Williams2 - 3 337
Adeptus MechanicusEd Watts2 - 1 337
Dark AngelsBen McCarthy2 - 3 337
Astra MilitarumEthan Odziemski2 - 3 337
TyranidsSteve Tiencken2 - 3 337
Space Wolvesjosh burns2 - 2 - 1337
World EatersBill Boulton2 - 3 337
Space MarinesEthan Spedding2 - 3 337
Imperial KnightsAlex Clare2 - 2 - 1337
Adeptus CustodesEwen Mackenzie2 - 3 337
OrksOllie Jones2 - 3 337
AeldariNathan Jukes2 - 3 337
NecronsJoe Hughes2 - 3 337
TyranidsChris Thomas2 - 3 337
Space MarinesSamuel Lau2 - 3 337
Chaos KnightsChris Taylor2 - 1 337
Adeptus CustodesKit Harvey-Lewis2 - 3 337
DeathwatchMathew Jones2 - 3 337
Dark AngelsPeter Ghelfi2 - 3 337
Blood AngelsRobin O'Leary2 - 3 337
Space MarinesThomas Aldred-Muzsla2 - 3 337
OrksBen Alway2 - 3 337
TyranidsJamie Whitwell2 - 3 337
AeldariTony Chew2 - 1 337
AeldariMatthew Purser2 - 2 337
Blood AngelsAlex Porter2 - 3 337
Grey KnightsDan Lisle2 - 3 337
T’au Empiresteve baker2 - 3 337
Grey KnightsShaun Hunter2 - 3 337
T’au EmpireCharles Holland2 - 3 337
Chaos KnightsMatthew Norris2 - 2 - 1337
T’au EmpireLuke Mason2 - 3 337
Astra MilitarumTim Vass2 - 2 - 1337
Space MarinesAdam Brown2 - 3 337
Death GuardJames Bowen2 - 1 337
AeldariJake Campbell2 - 3 337
Adeptus CustodesEd Paszek2 - 1 337
Black TemplarsMatt Roberts2 - 3 337
Imperial KnightsRyan Woolley2 - 3 337
Blood AngelsRoss Cameron1 - 4 337
Space MarinesKristjan Blondal1 - 4 337
Genestealer CultsChris Horsley1 - 4 337
NecronsAlex Nunn1 - 3 337
AeldariCameron Hayes1 - 4 337
AeldariDale Bampton1 - 4 337
Space MarinesRonan Molloy1 - 4 337
AeldariPhil Chapman1 - 4 337
YnarriMichael Blackford1 - 3 - 1337
Space WolvesDarren Bryce1 - 4 337
TyranidsKevin Davies1 - 2 337
YnarriDylan Usher1 - 2 337
Death GuardTeague Warren1 - 4 337
Astra MilitarumMartyn Bolton1 - 4 337
Genestealer CultsSean Edgar1 - 3 - 1337
Death GuardThomas Markham1 - 4 337
Astra MilitarumAslan Saylam1 - 4 337
TyranidsJack Anthistle1 - 4 337
Chaos DaemonsAlex Walker1 - 2 337
Dark AngelsPaul Bostock1 - 4 337
World EatersNed Canning1 - 2 337
TyranidsPeter Carroll1 - 4 337
NecronsBen Carvell1 - 3 337
Blood AngelsShane Dixon1 - 4 337
Adeptus MechanicusJames Fletcher1 - 4 337
Adeptus CustodesMichael Griffiths1 - 3 337
TyranidsGeorge Heimsath1 - 4 337
Space MarinesNotDeathGuard Andy1 - 3 - 1337
NecronsLloyd Yates1 - 4 337
Space MarinesConor Smart1 - 4 337
AeldariMichael Coates1 - 3 337
T’au EmpireChris Mcevoy1 - 4 337
Leagues of VotannDave Skinner1 - 2 337
TyranidsCorey Smith1 - 4 337
TyranidsSimon Morley1 - 4 337
Space MarinesStephen Allan1 - 2 337
AeldariJames Stuart1 - 4 337
DeathwatchNick Kirkham1 - 4 337
Leagues of VotannAndy Bradbury1 - 4 337
Adepta SororitasLouis Foley1 - 4 337
Death GuardRichard Naismith1 - 3 - 1337
Adeptus CustodesMatthew Sokolowski1 - 4 337
Chaos Space MarinesHenry Bothwell1 - 4 337
World EatersCameron Allan1 - 3 - 1337
Adeptus CustodesEthan Stuckey1 - 3 337
NecronsBryn Gibbs1 - 3 - 1337
Imperial KnightsGareth Doherty1 - 3 - 1337
Imperial KnightsChris Steel1 - 4 337
DrukhariJames Steele1 - 4 337
Dark AngelsEdward Hough1 - 4 337
Space MarinesAlex Thomas1 - 2 337
Chaos Space MarinesAlex Cable1 - 3 - 1337
Chaos Space MarinesLiam Murphy1 - 4 337
Astra MilitarumAlex Larkin1 - 3 - 1337
TyranidsCraig Bedford1 - 2 337
Chaos KnightsMathew lee1 - 4 337
Chaos DaemonsAsh Kernsworth1 - 4 337
Chaos DaemonsKieran Green1 - 3 - 1337
Imperial KnightsDavid Taylor1 - 4 337
Genestealer CultsMark Steward1 - 4 337
Astra MilitarumNick Pegg0 - 3 337
Adeptus MechanicusTaylor Kern0 - 5 337
TyranidsTom Martland0 - 3 337
DeathwatchAndy Brown0 - 3 337
Adepta SororitasPhil Roberts0 - 3 337
AeldariMichael Ecclestone0 - 3 337
DrukhariJason Tanner0 - 5 337
Space MarinesBradley Melbourne0 - 3 337
Chaos KnightsGlenn Wild0 - 3 337
Adeptus CustodesRoss Mcfarlane0 - 5 337
Death GuardAlex Attwaters0 - 3 337
Death GuardDaniel Finney0 - 3 337
Black TemplarsMaciej Zelazowski0 - 5 337
Blood AngelsMikey Creed0 - 4 337
Chaos DaemonsChris Eaton0 - 5 337
Adeptus CustodesAndy Pemberton0 - 4 - 1337
Chaos Space MarinesAshley Bridges0 - 5 337
Space MarinesAsh Loftus0 - 2 337
World EatersJoey Parker0 - 3 337
NecronsJames Clark0 - 5 337