2024 Warhammer 40,000 World Championships of Warhammer

Grey KnightsMarco Santopadre7 - 1 268
Chaos Space MarinesDerek apsche7 - 1 268
Adeptus CustodesFolger Pyles7 - 0 - 1268
Astra MilitarumWesley St.Hines7 - 1 268
Astra MilitarumJohn Lennon7 - 1 268
Adeptus MechanicusRichard Siegler7 - 1 268
Astra MilitarumBjörn Eriksson7 - 1 268
Astra MilitarumJohn Winter Russell7 - 1 268
Chaos DaemonsRyan Agius6 - 2 268
Leagues of VotannTim Schneider6 - 2 268
Space WolvesMatthew McCurdy6 - 2 268
Thousand SonsTJ Lanigan6 - 1 - 1268
Blood AngelsLachlan Rigg6 - 2 268
OrksMichael Mann6 - 2 268
NecronsGiorgio castelli6 - 2 268
World EatersBrian Daugherty6 - 1 - 1268
Space MarinesJesper Unander-Scharin6 - 2 268
Astra MilitarumZachary Comeau6 - 2 268
Astra MilitarumManue Gil6 - 2 268
Death GuardRanchen Li6 - 1 - 1268
AeldariJames Kelling6 - 2 268
Astra MilitarumMatthieu Joncour6 - 2 268
Leagues of VotannMax kanter6 - 2 268
Chaos Space MarinesJakub Jansa6 - 2 268
Astra MilitarumEdoardo Rinaldi6 - 2 268
TyranidsSamuel Pope6 - 1 - 1268
NecronsAndy Quas-Cohen6 - 2 268
Blood AngelsBorja FM6 - 1 - 1268
Blood AngelsAlejandro Mancuso Serrano6 - 2 268
Imperial KnightsJose C. Herranz6 - 2 268
Adepta SororitasQuinton Johnson6 - 2 268
Space WolvesStefan Meertens6 - 2 268
NecronsFritz Peters6 - 1 - 1268
Thousand SonsAlex Fowler5 - 3 268
Astra MilitarumJack Murphy5 - 3 268
Chaos DaemonsFranco McDonnell5 - 2 - 1268
T’au EmpireJack Harpster5 - 3 268
T’au EmpireGregory Hunter5 - 3 268
Blood AngelsJordan Berresford5 - 3 268
Chaos Space MarinesJonathan Summerfield5 - 3 268
TyranidsAimée Jacquin5 - 3 268
T’au EmpireKyle Grundy5 - 3 268
Death GuardGrant Kauffman5 - 3 268
Astra MilitarumEdward Appel5 - 2 - 1268
Adepta SororitasMatthew Dean5 - 3 268
Adeptus CustodesStefan Pazderka5 - 3 268
Grey KnightsDonovan Sailo5 - 3 268
Astra MilitarumClément Riu5 - 3 268
Adepta SororitasZach Point5 - 1 - 2268
Chaos DaemonsRussell Tassin5 - 3 268
World EatersFrasier Parry5 - 3 268
Blood AngelsGarret Olson5 - 3 268
Chaos KnightsPierre Debey5 - 3 268
Genestealer CultsLoukas Benard5 - 2 - 1268
Space MarinesConan Jennings5 - 3 268
Chaos DaemonsQuoc Lay (Will)5 - 3 268
OrksJohn Holbrook5 - 3 268
Blood AngelsPierre Besseyre5 - 3 268
Adepta SororitasRobin (Lamar) Philippot5 - 2 - 1268
Astra MilitarumChris Dailey5 - 3 268
Thousand SonsVincent Rabuel5 - 3 268
Genestealer CultsAlex Macdougall5 - 2 - 1268
Thousand SonsMike Muzeni5 - 3 268
Chaos DaemonsNiklas Fritschen5 - 2 - 1268
Genestealer CultsTim Schlizio5 - 3 268
Imperial KnightsCiro Canzanella5 - 2 - 1268
T’au EmpireDaniele De Gemini5 - 2 - 1268
Space MarinesBenjamin Cherwien5 - 3 268
Imperial KnightsSumaythang Srianonantakij5 - 3 268
Blood AngelsWilliam Fuhrimann5 - 3 268
Thousand SonsLouis Boisvert5 - 3 268
Dark AngelsAntonio Mejias5 - 3 268
TyranidsJoakim Engström5 - 3 268
Thousand SonsTerroxer El Rojo5 - 3 268
NecronsWalter Langendorf5 - 2 - 1268
Astra MilitarumMatthew Green5 - 3 268
AeldariDavid Perales5 - 3 268
Astra MilitarumNicholas Jagiello5 - 3 268
Leagues of VotannNick Blackburn5 - 2 - 1268
AeldariMatt Lorah5 - 2 - 1268
Space MarinesMark Hertel5 - 3 268
NecronsKit Smith5 - 3 268
AeldariRiley Tremblay5 - 3 268
NecronsJustin Moore5 - 3 268
NecronsJoshua Campbell5 - 2 - 1268
Chaos DaemonsStephen Mitchell5 - 3 268
Adepta SororitasJeffrey Kolodner5 - 3 268
T’au EmpireJason McKenzie5 - 3 268
Astra MilitarumScott Horras "Heresy"5 - 3 268
Death GuardVojtech Cistecky5 - 3 268
NecronsJoel Wilson4 - 3 - 1268
DrukhariAngel C4KILLER4 - 4 268
Chaos Space MarinesBrian Crothers4 - 4 268
Adeptus CustodesChris Hanes4 - 4 268
NecronsChristian Nadeau4 - 4 268
Grey KnightsDave Paton4 - 4 268
Space MarinesDominique Carette4 - 4 268
Chaos KnightsEdouard Denommee4 - 4 268
Adepta SororitasJack Daniel Morris4 - 4 268
Tyranidsjosh crowe4 - 4 268
Space WolvesLogan Antonation4 - 4 268
NecronsMatthew Reeson4 - 4 268
Death GuardSteph Job4 - 4 268
Thousand SonsStuart Angel4 - 4 268
TyranidsWill Paul4 - 4 268
Adeptus MechanicusJorge Latorre4 - 3 - 1268
Dark AngelsJay Seebarun4 - 4 268
Astra MilitarumEero Saukkonen4 - 3 - 1268
Imperial KnightsAnthony Mattassoni4 - 4 268
NecronsArnaud ALLOT4 - 4 268
TyranidsBaptiste HULIN4 - 3 - 1268
T’au EmpireFrédéric JOUBERT4 - 4 268
Chaos DaemonsIgor Bourjac4 - 3 - 1268
Adepta SororitasJean-Loup GENIN4 - 3 - 1268
Dark AngelsJose BELDA4 - 4 268
Space WolvesJulien Parra4 - 4 268
Genestealer CultsLouis Dizier4 - 4 268
Chaos DaemonsNicolas "Maneecs" FORTIN4 - 4 268
Dark AngelsOlivier WEISS4 - 3 - 1268
Imperial KnightsRobin ( Asteel ) Droz4 - 3 - 1268
Chaos DaemonsYann Gauthier4 - 3 - 1268
Astra MilitarumBastian Krych4 - 4 268
T’au EmpireManuel Wayand4 - 4 268
DrukhariBotond Blasovszky4 - 4 268
Space WolvesAndrea Costa4 - 4 268
Adepta SororitasCarlos Moreno4 - 4 268
Dark AngelsAmador Perez4 - 4 268
TyranidsVictor Bergenholtz4 - 4 268
Adeptus MechanicusKjetil Andre Liknes4 - 4 268
Blood AngelsAlberto Nicolas "The Carthaginian"4 - 4 268
Blood AngelsAlvaro Perez4 - 4 268
NecronsMatthieu Porchet4 - 4 268
Imperial KnightsBrian Jones4 - 4 268
DrukhariAron Prinsen4 - 4 268
Genestealer CultsAlex Spathopoulos4 - 3 - 1268
Space WolvesBrent Simon4 - 4 268
Space MarinesBrodie Middleton4 - 4 268
NecronsCasey Glynn4 - 4 268
Grey KnightsChase Chappell4 - 4 268
NecronsDavid Hall4 - 4 268
T’au EmpireDavis Frye4 - 4 268
NecronsGavin Conn4 - 3 268
OrksJasper Biski4 - 4 268
Astra MilitarumJoe MacMillan4 - 4 268
Chaos KnightsEric Marcoux4 - 4 268
Death GuardJoshua Minnich4 - 4 268
Genestealer CultsKody Drake4 - 3 - 1268
Dark AngelsKyle McCord4 - 4 268
Leagues of VotannSweet Lew4 - 4 268
Chaos DaemonsMatt Aspinwall4 - 4 268
TyranidsNathaniel Bjorge4 - 4 268
NecronsRob Gonzales4 - 4 268
Death GuardNoah Neundorfer4 - 4 268
DrukhariRidvan Martinez4 - 4 268
Black TemplarsRyan Lappin4 - 4 268
NecronsRyan Pearce4 - 4 268
Black TemplarsSascha Alexander Edelkraut4 - 4 268
Adepta SororitasScott Ketcham4 - 4 268
Astra MilitarumShaun Reynolds4 - 3 - 1268
T’au EmpireSteven Crawley4 - 4 268
NecronsSteven Ross4 - 4 268
Adepta SororitasTony Phillips4 - 2 - 1268
Astra MilitarumZachary Jeppesen4 - 4 268
AeldariTim Deetlefs4 - 4 268
AeldariLudovic STAMMLER4 - 4 268
NecronsRoger Porcelli3 - 5 268
DrukhariAnthony Richardson3 - 5 268
Dark AngelsMaxime Rampen3 - 5 268
Space WolvesRyan smith3 - 5 268
World EatersDanny Gill3 - 5 268
Blood AngelsFrançois Lalonde3 - 5 268
AeldariCharles Barber3 - 5 268
Blood AngelsRielle Long3 - 5 268
Blood AngelsJonathan Arkin3 - 4 268
NecronsDevin Swann3 - 5 268
Adeptus CustodesAlex Serra La_Orden3 - 4 268
Blood AngelsDavid Kraljić3 - 5 268
NecronsDejan Filipovic3 - 5 268
World EatersFilip Jakob Pogacnik3 - 4 - 1268
Adeptus CustodesAlex Mathison3 - 5 268
Death GuardGarrett Stacy3 - 5 268
TyranidsMitchell klein3 - 5 268
Imperial AgentsRobert Moreland3 - 5 268
Death GuardDuy Nguyen3 - 4 268
OrksBenjamin Pau3 - 5 268
NecronsTom Horton3 - 5 268
T’au Empiretony barrett3 - 4 - 1268
Grey KnightsYohann Teston3 - 5 268
AeldariHayden Jones3 - 5 268
T’au EmpireGeorge Griffin3 - 5 268
T’au EmpireLewis Smith3 - 5 268
Thousand SonsJames Webster3 - 5 268
Adeptus CustodesFinian Massa3 - 5 268
Astra MilitarumDaniel Rivera3 - 5 268
Death GuardAdam Lev3 - 4 - 1268
World EatersBryan Lakor3 - 4 268
OrksBrad Chester3 - 4 268
AeldariPeter Elias3 - 5 268
Astra MilitarumEric Chen3 - 5 268
Astra MilitarumRasmus Haglund3 - 5 268
OrksRyan Mcguire3 - 4 - 1268
Space MarinesThomas Byrd3 - 5 268
Leagues of VotannSimon RIVRY-COAT3 - 5 268
Adepta SororitasBrendan McKenzie3 - 5 268
Thousand SonsThomas Walker3 - 5 268
Adeptus CustodesThomas Cosgrove3 - 5 268
Blood AngelsDaniel Hesselberg3 - 5 268
TyranidsChris Adams3 - 5 268
AeldariBalázs Blasovszky3 - 5 268
Chaos Space MarinesCollin Cochran3 - 5 268
World EatersRyan Bell3 - 5 268
T’au EmpireMathew Tweedel3 - 5 268
T’au EmpireTreynor Wolfe3 - 5 268
NecronsCollin Watts3 - 5 268
AeldariMatt Schuchman3 - 5 268
Imperial KnightsMatthew Doughman3 - 5 268
TyranidsMaxime "Kahr-Noss" COLLODEL3 - 4 - 1268
Astra MilitarumXavier Barrera3 - 5 268
Space MarinesKasra Houshidar3 - 5 268
T’au EmpireMike Robertson3 - 5 268
NecronsMike Taylor3 - 5 268
T’au EmpireBrandon Vallee3 - 5 268
Chaos Space MarinesNicholas Redford3 - 5 268
Adepta SororitasNick Nanavati3 - 5 268
Leagues of VotannAndrew Johnson2 - 6 268
World EatersChanse Kuffner2 - 6 268
Space WolvesAustin Wingfield2 - 6 268
Adeptus CustodesMichael Armer2 - 6 268
Astra MilitarumCaleb Edwards2 - 6 268
Astra MilitarumJames willet2 - 6 268
Death GuardJerry Zhang2 - 2 268
Grey KnightsDino Sauri2 - 6 268
Space MarinesToño Gomez2 - 6 268
Grey KnightsTommy Aguilu2 - 6 268
Adeptus CustodesTravis Hameloth2 - 6 268
Imperial KnightsRhett Tremblay2 - 6 268
NecronsMax Dubois2 - 6 268
Death GuardJustin Signer-Delorme2 - 6 268
Adepta SororitasJeremy Atkinson2 - 6 268
NecronsJonathan Lee2 - 6 268
Leagues of VotannDemetrius Palmer2 - 6 268
Thousand SonsMichael Blackford2 - 6 268
NecronsJo Holmsen2 - 6 268
DrukhariMaximo Alejandro García Teutle2 - 6 268
NecronsJoseph Walsh2 - 5 - 1268
Leagues of VotannJose Arias2 - 6 268
Imperial AgentsIsaac Gutierrez Briseño2 - 6 268
Adepta SororitasGustavo Martinez2 - 6 268
World EatersFernando Canut2 - 6 268
Blood AngelsErin Brandson2 - 6 268
Leagues of VotannPablo Assandri2 - 6 268
Blood AngelsStéphane Châtel2 - 6 268
Imperial KnightsDick McTrickle2 - 6 268
Dark AngelsAdrian Phillips2 - 6 268
Blood AngelsAllen Chong1 - 7 268
Space MarinesJeremy Capko1 - 7 268
Dark AngelsAxel Chazman1 - 7 268
Genestealer CultsNoah Beddome1 - 7 268
Adepta SororitasKeith Davis1 - 7 268
TyranidsDustin Weaver1 - 6 - 1268
Leagues of VotannCullen Burns1 - 3 268
World EatersCharles Primard1 - 4 268
NecronsFokke Dijkstra1 - 6 268
Adeptus MechanicusScotty Bee1 - 5 - 2268
Adeptus MechanicusSpencer Feuerstein1 - 6 - 1268
TyranidsDavid Murdoch0 - 8 268
Adeptus MechanicusJac Vincent0 - 8 268
Chaos Space MarinesCam Hawkins0 - 5 268