Event: The Glasshammer GT - Birmingham

Arron Drew

We are vigilance unending. We are duty unstinting. We are punishment inescapable. We are the Adeptus Custodes, and all must fear our wrath. (2000 Points) Adeptus Custodes Shield Host Strike Force (2000 Points) CHARACTERS Blade Champion (110 Points) • 1x Vaultswords Blade Champion (110 Points) • 1x Vaultswords Shield-Captain (145 Points) • Warlord • 1x Praesidium Shield 1x Pyrithite spear • Enhancements: Panoptispex BATTLELINE Custodian Guard (180 Points) • 4x Custodian Guard • 3x Guardian spear 1x Praesidium Shield 1x Sentinel blade OTHER DATASHEETS Custodian Guard with Adrasite and Pyrithite Spears (250 Points) • 5x Custodian Guard with Adrasite and Pyrithite Spears • 5x Pyrithite spear Custodian Wardens (250 Points) • 5x Custodian Warden • 2x Castellan axe 3x Guardian spear 1x Vexilla Custodian Wardens (250 Points) • 5x Custodian Warden • 2x Castellan axe 3x Guardian spear 1x Vexilla Venatari Custodians (165 Points) • 3x Venatari Custodian • 1x Kinetic destroyer 1x Tarsis buckler 2x Venatari lance Venatari Custodians (165 Points) • 3x Venatari Custodian • 1x Kinetic destroyer 1x Tarsis buckler 2x Venatari lance Venatari Custodians (165 Points) • 3x Venatari Custodian • 1x Kinetic destroyer 1x Tarsis buckler 2x Venatari lance Witchseekers (50 Points) • 1x Witchseeker Sister Superior • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Witchseeker flamer • 3x Witchseeker • 3x Close combat weapon 3x Witchseeker flamer ALLIED UNITS Eversor Assassin (75 Points) • 1x Executioner pistol 1x Power sword and neuro gauntlet Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus (85 Points) • 1x Dirgesinger 1x Power fist 1x Psychic Tempest Exported with App Version: v1.17.0 (40), Data Version: v430 undefined