Event: Palm Springs Open 40k GT III By Dicehammer

Trevor Lebus

Brain? Bugs? Frankly, I find the idea of a bug that thinks offensive!! My singular purpose is to get drunk and play Warhammer. ===================================== FACTION KEYWORD: Xenos - Tyranids DETACHMENT: Invasion Fleet TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000pts WARLORD: Char4: The Swarmlord NUMBER OF UNITS: 16 Bring It Down: (7x2) - Assassination: 4 Characters ===================================== CHARACTER 1x Broodlord (95 pts) • 1x Broodlord Claws and Talons • Perfectly Adapted (+15 pts) 1x Neurotyrant (105 pts) • 1x Neurotyrant claws and lashes • 1x Psychic scream 1x Winged Hive Tyrant (235 pts) • 1x Tyrant talons • 1x Monstrous Bonesword and Lash Whip • Adaptive Biology (+25 pts) 1x The Swarmlord (240 pts) • 1x Bone Sabres • 1x Synaptic Pulse • Warlord BATTLELINE 10x Gargoyles (85 pts) • 10x Gargoyles • 10x Blinding Venom • 10x Fleshborer 10x Hormagaunts (65 pts) • 10x Hormagaunts • 10x Hormagaunt talons OTHER DATASHEETS 1x Biovores (50 pts) • 1x Biovore • 1x Chitin-barbed Limbs • 1x Spore Mine Launcher 10x Genestealers (150 pts) • 10x Genestealer • 10x Genestealers claws and talons 1x Lictor (55 pts) • 1x Lictor Claws and Talons 1x Lictor (55 pts) • 1x Lictor Claws and Talons 1x Neurolictor (90 pts) • 1x Piercing Claws and Talons 6x Zoanthropes (200 pts) • 1x Neurothrope • 1x Warp Blast • 1x Xenos Claws and Teeth • 5x Zoanthrope • 5x Warp Blast • 5x Xenos Claws and Teeth 1x Exocrine (135 pts) • 1x Bio-plasmic Cannon • 1x Powerful Limbs 1x Exocrine (135 pts) • 1x Bio-plasmic Cannon • 1x Powerful Limbs 1x Exocrine (135 pts) • 1x Bio-plasmic Cannon • 1x Powerful Limbs 1x Maleceptor (170 pts) • 1x Massive Scything Talons • 1x Psychic Overload undefined