Event: Palm Springs Open 40k GT III By Dicehammer

Mark Aksel

++ Army Roster (Chaos - Chaos Daemons) [1,995pts] ++ Detachment Choice: Daemonic Incursion + Epic Hero + Kairos Fateweaver [270pts] Shalaxi Helbane [450pts] + Character + Great Unclean One [260pts]: Bileblade, Bilesword, The Endless Gift, Warlord Lord of Change [285pts]: Rod of sorcery, The Everstave + Infantry + Flamers [150pts] . 6x Flamer: 6x Flamer mouths, 6x Flickering Flames Flamers [75pts] . 3x Flamer: 3x Flamer mouths, 3x Flickering Flames Flamers [75pts] . 3x Flamer: 3x Flamer mouths, 3x Flickering Flames + Beast + Beasts of Nurgle [70pts]: Beast of Nurgle + Vehicle + Tzeentch Soul Grinder [180pts]: Warpclaw Tzeentch Soul Grinder [180pts]: Warpsword ++ Total: [1,995pts] ++ undefined