Event: II GT Tormenta de Hostias

Fenris XIV .

Tiranids defensors de les set boles de Drac 🔮🔮 GT.Tormenta de Hostias + Configuration + Battle Size: 2. Strike Force (2000 Point limit) Detachment: Vanguard Onslaught Show/Hide Options: Unaligned Forces are visible + Epic Hero + Deathleaper [80pts]🧌 + Character + Neurotyrant [125pts]: Hunting Grounds Winged Hive Tyrant [225pts]: Chameleonic, Monstrous Bonesword and Lash Whip, Warlord + Battleline + Gargoyles [85pts] . 10x Gargoyles: 10x Blinding Venom, 10x Fleshborer Gargoyles [85pts] . 10x Gargoyles: 10x Blinding Venom, 10x Fleshborer Hormagaunts [65pts] . 10x Hormagaunts: 10x Hormagaunt talons Termagants [60pts] . 10x Termagants: 10x Chitinous Claws and Teeth, 10x Fleshborer + Infantry + Biovores [50pts]: Biovore Lictor [55pts] Neurolictor [90pts] Neurolictor [90pts] Zoanthropes [200pts] . 5x Zoanthrope: 5x Warp Blast, 5x Xenos Claws and Teeth + Monster + Exocrine [135pts] Maleceptor [170pts] Maleceptor [170pts] Screamer-killer [145pts] Trygon [170pts] undefined