Event: Salt Lake Open 2024 - Warhammer 40K Championships

Thomas Knight

If you truly do hail from the realm men once called hell, when you return there, tell your kindred it was Sanguinius who threw you back. (1985 points) Chaos Daemons Strike Force (2000 points) Daemonic Incursion CHARACTERS Bloodmaster (65 points) • 1x Blade of blood Bloodmaster (65 points) • 1x Blade of blood Bloodmaster (65 points) • 1x Blade of blood Bloodthirster (325 points) • 1x Great axe of Khorne 1x Hellfire breath • Enhancement: A’rgath, The King of Blades Rendmaster on Blood Throne (150 points) • Warlord • 1x Attendants’ hellblades 1x Blade of blood Rendmaster on Blood Throne (150 points) • 1x Attendants’ hellblades 1x Blade of blood Skarbrand (305 points) • 1x Bellow of endless fury 1x Slaughter and Carnage BATTLELINE Bloodletters (120 points) • 1x Bloodreaper • 1x Hellblade • 9x Bloodletter • 1x Daemonic Icon 9x Hellblade 1x Instrument of Chaos Bloodletters (120 points) • 1x Bloodreaper • 1x Hellblade • 9x Bloodletter • 1x Daemonic Icon 9x Hellblade 1x Instrument of Chaos Bloodletters (120 points) • 1x Bloodreaper • 1x Hellblade • 9x Bloodletter • 1x Daemonic Icon 9x Hellblade 1x Instrument of Chaos OTHER DATASHEETS Bloodcrushers (220 points) • 1x Bloodhunter • 1x Hellblade 1x Juggernaut’s bladed horn • 5x Bloodcrusher • 1x Daemonic Icon 5x Hellblade 1x Instrument of Chaos 5x Juggernaut’s bladed horn Flesh Hounds (70 points) • 1x Gore Hound • 1x Burning roar 1x Collar of Khorne 1x Gore-drenched fangs • 4x Flesh Hound • 4x Collar of Khorne 4x Gore-drenched fangs Flesh Hounds (140 points) • 1x Gore Hound • 1x Burning roar 1x Collar of Khorne 1x Gore-drenched fangs • 9x Flesh Hound • 9x Collar of Khorne 9x Gore-drenched fangs Flesh Hounds (70 points) • 1x Gore Hound • 1x Burning roar 1x Collar of Khorne 1x Gore-drenched fangs • 4x Flesh Hound • 4x Collar of Khorne 4x Gore-drenched fangs Exported with App Version: v1.18.0 (46), Data Version: v434 undefined