Event: Denver 40K Fight Club October Open 2024

Stoic Nauj


  1. Loss - Death Guard
  2. Win - Space Marines
  3. Loss - Necrons
  4. Loss - Grey Knights
  5. Loss - Death Guard
  6. Loss - Chaos Daemons
StoicNauj's Death Guard Adventure Typhus (80) Warlord - Master-crafted manreaper Biologus Putrifier (50) - Hyper Blight Grenades / Injector pistol / plague knives Biologus Putrifier (50) - Hyper Blight Grenades / Injector pistol / plague knives Foul Blightspawn (60) - Plague Sprayer / Close combat weapon Foul Blightspawn (60) - Plague Sprayer / Close combat weapon Death Guard Sorcerer in Terminator Armor (70) - Force weapon / Plague combo bolter / Curse of the Leaper (370) Battleline Plague marines (180) Plague Champion (Heavy Plague Weapon / Plasma Gun) 4 x Plague Marine (Heavy Plague Weapon / Plague knives) Plague Marine (Blight Launcher / Plague knives) 2 x Plague Marines (Plague Spewer / Plague knives) 2 x Plague Marines (Meltagun / Plague knives) Plague marines (180) Plague Champion (Heavy Plague Weapon / Plasma Gun) 4 x Plague Marine (Heavy Plague Weapon / Plague knives) Plague Marine (Blight Launcher / Plague knives) 2 x Plague Marines (Plague Spewer / Plague knives) 2 x Plague Marines (Meltagun / Plague knives) Infantry Deathshroud Terminators (110) Deathshroud Terminator Champion ( Manreaper / 2x Plaguespurt Gauntlet) 2x Deathshroud Terminator ( 2x Manreaper / 2x Plaguespurt Gauntlet) Death Guard Cultists (50) Cultist Champion (Brutal Assault Weapon / Cultists Firearm) 6x Cultist (6x Brutal assault weapon / Cultists Firearm) Cultist w/ Flamer (Brutal Assault Weapon/ Flamer) Cultist w/ Grenade Launcher (Brutal Assault Weapon/ Grenade Launcher) Cultist w/ Heavy Stubber (Brutal Assault weapon/ Heavy Stubber) Death Guard Cultists (50) Cultist Champion (Brutal Assault Weapon / Cultists Firearm) 6x Cultist (6x Brutal assault weapon / Cultists Firearm) Cultist w/ Flamer (Brutal Assault Weapon/ Flamer) Cultist w/ Grenade Launcher (Brutal Assault Weapon/ Grenade Launcher) Cultist w/ Heavy Stubber (Brutal Assault weapon/ Heavy Stubber (570) Dedicated Transport Death Guard Rhino (75) [Havoc Launcher / 2x Plague combi-bolter / Armoured tracks] Death Guard Rhino (75) [Havoc Launcher / 2x Plague combi-bolter / Armoured tracks] (150) Vehicle Death Guard Predator Annihilator [130] (2x lascannons / predator twin lascannon / plague combo-bolter / havoc launcher) Foetid Bloat-Drone [90] ( Fleshmower / Plague drone) Mythic Blight-hauler [90] (Bile Spurt / Multi-melta/ Missile Launcher / Gnashing Maw) 310 Allied units Nurglings [40] (3x Diseased claws & teeth) Rotigus [230] (Gnarlrod / Streams of Brackish Filth) War Dog Brigand [165] (Avenger Chaincannon / Daemonbreath Spear / Diabolis Heavy Stubber / Armoured Feet) War Dog Brigand [165] (Avenger Chaincannon / Daemonbreath Spear / Diabolis Heavy Stubber / Armoured Feet 600 undefined