Event: The Glasshammer GT - Birmingham

Marcin Witczak


  1. Loss - Blood Angels
  2. Loss - Necrons
  3. Win - Space Marines
  4. Loss - Chaos Daemons
  5. Loss - Necrons
Army of Faith Detachment Morvenn Valh 160 WARLORD Saint Celestine 160 Junith Eruita 90 Canoness, Power Weapon, Inferno Pistol, Litanies of Faith 60 Dialogus, Triptych of the Macharian Crusade 50 5x Seraphim Squad, 4x Ministorum Hand Flamer, 6x Bolt Pistol 85 5x Seraphim Squad, 4x Ministorum Hand Flamer, 6x Bolt Pistol 85 5x Zephirym Squad, Sacred Banner, Plasma Pistol 90 5x Zephirym Squad, Sacred Banner, Plasma Pistol 90 10x Zephirym Squad, Sacred Banner, Plasma Pistol 180 Immolator, Heavy Bolter, Immolation Flamers, Hunter Killer Missile 115 Paragon Warsuits, 3x Multi-Melta, 3x Paragon Granade Launchers, 3x Paragon War Blade 210 Retributor Squad, 4x Multi-melta, Condemnor Boltgun, Power Weapon 125 Retributor Squad, 4x Multi-melta, Condemnor Boltgun, Power Weapon 125 10x Arco-flagellants 150 10x Celestian Sacresants, 9x Anointed Halberd, 1x Spear of the Faithful, Inferno Pistol 150 5x Celestian Sacresant, 4x Anointed Halberd, 1x Spear of The Faithful, Inferno Pistol 75 undefined