Event: Dumfries Gamers 40K Charity GT

Morgan Kent-Carlile

one in a krillion (1995 points) Vanguard Onslaught CHARACTERS Deathleaper (80 points) • Warlord • 1x Lictor claws and talons Neurotyrant (125 points) • 1x Neurotyrant claws and lashes 1x Psychic scream • Enhancement: Neuronode BATTLELINE Gargoyles (85 points) • 10x Gargoyle • 10x Blinding venom 10x Fleshborer Hormagaunts (130 points) • 20x Hormagaunt • 20x Hormagaunt talons Hormagaunts (130 points) • 20x Hormagaunt • 20x Hormagaunt talons Termagants (120 points) • 20x Termagant • 20x Chitinous claws and teeth 20x Fleshborer Termagants (120 points) • 20x Termagant • 20x Chitinous claws and teeth 20x Fleshborer Termagants (120 points) • 20x Termagant • 20x Chitinous claws and teeth 20x Fleshborer Termagants (60 points) • 10x Termagant • 10x Chitinous claws and teeth 10x Fleshborer OTHER DATASHEETS Biovores (50 points) • 1x Chitin-barbed limbs 1x Spore Mine launcher Genestealers (75 points) • 5x Genestealer • 5x Genestealers claws and talons Norn Emissary (275 points) • 1x Monstrous rending claws 1x Monstrous scything talons 1x Psychic Tendril Tyrannofex (190 points) • 1x Powerful limbs 1x Rupture cannon 1x Stinger salvoes Tyrannofex (190 points) • 1x Powerful limbs 1x Rupture cannon 1x Stinger salvoes Venomthropes (70 points) • 3x Venomthrope • 3x Toxic lashes Von Ryan’s Leapers (75 points) • 3x Von Ryan’s Leaper • 3x Leaper’s talons Zoanthropes (100 points) • 1x Neurothrope • 1x Chitinous claws and teeth 1x Warp Blast • 2x Zoanthrope • 2x Chitinous claws and teeth undefined