Calum Mehay

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + FACTION KEYWORD: Xenos - Orks + DETACHMENT: War Horde + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000pts + + WARLORD: Char5: Warboss + ENHANCEMENT: Follow Me Ladz (on Char5: Warboss in Mega Armour) + NUMBER OF UNITS: 23 + SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: (3x2) + (1x4) - Assassination: 7 Characters +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Char1: 1x Boss Snikrot (95 pts): Mork’s Teeth, Slugga Char2: 1x Beastboss (80 pts): Beast Snagga klaw, Beastchoppa, Shoota Char3: 1x Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun (65 pts): Grot assistant, Close combat weapon, Shokk attack gun Char4: 1x Mek (45 pts): Kustom mega-slugga, Wrench Char5: 1x Warboss (75 pts): Warlord, Kombi-weapon, Twin slugga, Attack squig, Power klaw Char6: 1x Warboss in Mega Armour (115 pts): ’Uge choppa, Big shoota Enhancement: Follow Me Ladz (+25 pts) Char7: 1x Weirdboy (65 pts): ’Eadbanger, Weirdboy staff 10x Beast Snagga Boyz (95 pts) • 1x Beast Snagga Nob: Power snappa, Slugga • 9x Beast Snagga Boy: 9 with Choppa, Slugga 10x Boyz (80 pts) • 1x Boss Nob: Power klaw, Slugga • 9x Boy: 9 with Choppa, Slugga 5x Burna Boyz (60 pts) • 4x Burna Boy: 4 with Burna, Cuttin’ flames • 1x Spanner: Close combat weapon, Kustom mega-blasta 5x Flash Gitz (80 pts): Ammo Runt • 1x Kaptin: Choppa, Snazzgun • 4x Flash Gitz: 4 with Choppa, Snazzgun 11x Gretchin (40 pts) • 10x Gretchin: 10 with Close combat weapon, Grot blasta • 1x Runtherd: Grot-smacka, Slugga 11x Gretchin (40 pts) • 10x Gretchin: 10 with Close combat weapon, Grot blasta • 1x Runtherd: Grot-smacka, Slugga 5x Lootas (50 pts) • 4x Loota: 4 with Close combat weapon, Deffgun • 1x Spanner: Close combat weapon, Kustom mega-blasta 3x Meganobz (105 pts): 3 with Twin killsaw 10x Nobz (210 pts) • 1x Boss Nob: Power klaw, Slugga • 9x Nob: 9 with Power klaw, Slugga 5x Stormboyz (65 pts) • 1x Boss Nob: Slugga, Power klaw • 4x Stormboy: 4 with Choppa, Slugga 5x Stormboyz (65 pts) • 1x Boss Nob: Slugga, Power klaw • 4x Stormboy: 4 with Choppa, Slugga 4x Squighog Boyz (160 pts): Bomb squig • 1x Nob on Smasha Squig: Big choppa, Slugga, Squig jaws • 3x Squighog Boy: 3 with Saddlegit weapons, Squig jaws, Stikka 1x Battlewagon (160 pts): ’Ard Case, 4x Big shoota, Grabbin' klaw, Lobba, Wreckin' ball, Killkannon, Deff rolla 1x Deff Dread (120 pts): Stompy feet, 3x Dread klaw, Skorcha 1x Trukk (65 pts): Big shoota, Spiked wheels, Wreckin' ball 1x Trukk (65 pts): Big shoota, Spiked wheels, Wreckin' ball undefined