Event: The Glasshammer GT - Birmingham

Alex Clare


  1. Win - Space Wolves
  2. Loss - Thousand Sons
  3. Loss - Death Guard
  4. Loss - Necrons
  5. Draw - Black Templars
Champions of Russ! (1995 points) Space Marines Space Wolves Strike Force (2000 points) Champions of Russ CHARACTERS Bjorn the Fell-Handed (180 points) • Warlord • 1x Heavy flamer 1x Helfrost cannon 1x Trueclaw Lieutenant with Combi-weapon (90 points) • 1x Combi-weapon 1x Paired combat blades • Enhancement: Wolf Tail Talisman Ragnar Blackmane (90 points) • 1x Bolt Pistol 1x Frostfang Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf (125 points) • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Crushing teeth and claws 1x Relic Shield 1x Thunder hammer • Enhancement: Black Death Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf (115 points) • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Crushing teeth and claws 1x Relic Shield 1x Thunder hammer • Enhancement: Frost Weapon Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf (100 points) • 1x Crushing teeth and claws 1x Twin lightning claws BATTLELINE Intercessor Squad (80 points) • 1x Intercessor Sergeant • 1x Bolt pistol 1x Bolt rifle 1x Close combat weapon • 4x Intercessor • 4x Bolt pistol 4x Bolt rifle 4x Close combat weapon DEDICATED TRANSPORTS Impulsor (80 points) • 1x Armoured hull 1x Ironhail heavy stubber 1x Shield dome 2x Storm bolter OTHER DATASHEETS Bladeguard Veteran Squad (180 points) • 1x Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant • 1x Heavy bolt pistol 1x Master-crafted power weapon • 5x Bladeguard Veteran • 5x Heavy bolt pistol 5x Master-crafted power weapon Centurion Assault Squad (150 points) • 1x Assault Centurion Sergeant • 1x Centurion bolters 1x Siege drills 1x Twin meltagun • 2x Assault Centurion • 2x Centurion bolters 2x Siege drills 2x Twin meltagun Infiltrator Squad (100 points) • 1x Infiltrator Sergeant • 1x Bolt pistol 1x Close combat weapon 1x Marksman bolt carbine • 4x Infiltrator • 4x Bolt pistol 4x Close combat weapon 1x Helix Gauntlet 4x Marksman bolt carbine Land Raider (240 points) • 1x Armoured tracks 2x Godhammer lascannon 1x Hunter-killer missile 1x Multi-melta 1x Storm bolter 1x Twin heavy bolter Scout Squad (65 points) • 1x Scout Sergeant • 1x Astartes shotgun 1x Bolt pistol 1x Close combat weapon • 4x Scout • 4x Bolt pistol 3x Boltgun 4x Close combat weapon 1x Missile launcher Thunderwolf Cavalry (100 points) • 1x Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader • 1x Crushing teeth and claws 1x Heirloom weapon 1x Storm Shield • 2x Thunderwolf Cavalry • 2x Crushing teeth and claws 2x Heirloom weapon 2x Storm Shield Thunderwolf Cavalry (100 points) • 1x Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader • 1x Crushing teeth and claws 1x Heirloom weapon 1x Storm Shield • 2x Thunderwolf Cavalry • 2x Crushing teeth and claws 2x Heirloom weapon 2x Storm Shield Thunderwolf Cavalry (100 points) • 1x Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader • 1x Crushing teeth and claws 1x Heirloom weapon 1x Storm Shield • 2x Thunderwolf Cavalry • 2x Crushing teeth and claws 2x Heirloom weapon 2x Storm Shield ALLIED UNITS Callidus Assassin (100 points) • 1x Neural shredder 1x Phase sword and poison blades Exported with App Version: v1.17.0 (45), Data Version: v430 undefined