Event: LVO 2025 Warhammer 40k Champs

Micah Morris

Dark Angels (2000 points) Stormlance Task Force Characters Azrael (Warlord) Lieutenant with Combi-weapon Sammael Battleline Intercessor Squad x5 w/Power Weapom Other Datasheets Ballistus Dreadnought Ballistus Dreadnought Deathwing Knights (w/Maces and Relic Weapon) Deathwing Knights (w/ Maces and Relic Weapon) Deathwing Knights (w/Swords and Relic Weapon) Incursors x5 w/ Haywire Mine Infiltrators x5 w/ Comms Array and Helix Guantlent Outriders x3 Vindicator w/ Hunter Killer and Storm Bolter Vindicator w/ Hunter Killer and Storm Bolter undefined