Event: Arch City GT III

Paul Lindquist


  1. Loss - Thousand Sons
  2. Loss - Dark Angels
  3. Loss - Tyranids
  4. Win - Necrons
  5. Win - Space Marines
Char1: 1x Autarch Wayleaper (115 pts): Warlord, Howling Banshee Mask, Star Glaive, Dragon Fusion Gun Char2: 1x Farseer (115 pts): Eldritch Storm, Shuriken Pistol, Singing Spear Enhancement: The Phoenix Gem (+35 pts) Char3: 1x Spiritseer (80 pts): Shuriken Pistol, Witch Staff Enhancement: The Weeping Stones (+15 pts) Char4: 1x Avatar of Khaine (335 pts): The Wailing Doom 5x Howling Banshees (70 pts) • 4x Howling Banshee: 4 with Banshee Blade, Shuriken Pistol • 1x Howling Banshee Exarch: Executioner and Shuriken Pistol 5x Striking Scorpions (65 pts) • 4x Striking Scorpion: 4 with Scorpion chainsword, Shuriken pistol • 1x Striking Scorpion Exarch: Biting blade 5x Striking Scorpions (65 pts) • 4x Striking Scorpion: 4 with Scorpion chainsword, Shuriken pistol • 1x Striking Scorpion Exarch: Biting blade 5x Swooping Hawks (85 pts) • 4x Swooping Hawk: 4 with Close combat weapon, Lasblaster • 1x Swooping Hawk Exarch: Aeldari Power Sword, Close combat weapon, Lasblaster 5x Swooping Hawks (85 pts) • 4x Swooping Hawk: 4 with Close combat weapon, Lasblaster • 1x Swooping Hawk Exarch: Aeldari Power Sword, Close combat weapon, Lasblaster 3x Shroud Runners (80 pts): 3 with Close Combat Weapon, Ranger long rifle, Scatter Laser, Shuriken Pistol 1x Wraithlord (145 pts): Ghostglaive, 2x Aeldari Flamer, 2x Bright Lance 1x Falcon (140 pts): Pulse Laser, Wraithbone hull, Bright Lance, Shuriken Cannon 1x Fire Prism (180 pts): Prism Cannon, Wraithbone hull, Shuriken Cannon 1x Fire Prism (180 pts): Prism Cannon, Wraithbone hull, Shuriken Cannon 1x Fire Prism (180 pts): Prism Cannon, Wraithbone hull, Shuriken Cannon 1x Vyper (75 pts): Twin Shuriken Catapult, Wraithbone hull, Bright Lance undefined