Event: Palm Springs Open 40k GT III By Dicehammer

Evan Clause

Xenos - Tyranids - Unnamed list - (2000 pts) Army Roster (Xenos - Tyranids) (2000 pts) Rules: Synapse Configuration Battle Size Strike Force (2000 Point limit) Detachment Invasion Fleet Abilities: Hyper Adaptions Show/Hide Options Unaligned Fortifications are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Legends are visible Character (460 pts) Broodlord (1) (95 pts) Perfectly Adapted Rules: Scouts 8", Synapse, Shadow in the Warp, Leader, Devastating Wounds, Twin-linked Unit: Broodlord Abilities: Hypnotic Gaze (Psychic), Invulnerable Save[1], Perfectly Adapted, Vicious Insight Melee Weapons: Broodlord Claws and Talons Abilities: Leader[1] Hive Tyrant (1) (260 pts) Adaptive Biology, Heavy Venom Cannon, Monstrous Bonesword and Lash Whip, Warlord Rules: Deadly Demise D3, Shadow in the Warp, Synapse, Leader, Twin-linked, Blast Unit: Hive Tyrant Abilities: Adaptive Biology, Invulnerable Save[1], Onslaught (Aura, Psychic), Will of the Hive Mind Melee Weapons: Monstrous bonesword and lash whip Ranged Weapons: Heavy Venom Cannon Abilities: Leader[2] Neurotyrant (1) (105 pts) Rules: Shadow in the Warp, Synapse, Leader, Ignores Cover, Torrent Unit: Neurotyrant Abilities: Invulnerable Save[1], Node Lash (Psychic), Psychic Terror (Psychic), Synaptic Relays Ranged Weapons: Psychic scream Melee Weapons: Neurotyrant claws and lashes Abilities: Leader[3] Battleline (170 pts) Gargoyles (10) (85 pts) • 10x Gargoyles Rules: Synapse, Deep Strike, Assault Abilities: Winged Swarm Unit: Gargoyles (x20) (x20) Ranged Weapons: Fleshborer (x2) (x2) Melee Weapons: Blinding Venom (x2) (x2) Gargoyles (10) (85 pts) • 10x Gargoyles Rules: Synapse, Deep Strike, Assault Abilities: Winged Swarm Unit: Gargoyles (x20) (x20) Ranged Weapons: Fleshborer (x2) (x2) Melee Weapons: Blinding Venom (x2) (x2) Infantry (490 pts) Biovores (1) (50 pts) • Biovore Rules: Deadly Demise 1, Synapse, Blast, Devastating Wounds, Heavy, Indirect Fire Abilities: Seed Spore Mines Unit: Biovore Ranged Weapons: Spore Mine Launcher Melee Weapons: Chitin-barbed Limbs Genestealers (10) (150 pts) • 10x Genestealer Rules: Scouts 8", Synapse Abilities: Invulnerable Save[2], Vanguard Predator Unit: Genestealers (x10) (x10) Melee Weapons: Genestealers claws and talons Neurolictor (1) (90 pts) Rules: Shadow in the Warp, Lone Operative, Infiltrators, Stealth, Synapse, Precision Unit: Neurolictor Abilities: Feeder Tendrils, Invulnerable Save[1], Neural Disruption, Psychological Saboteur (Aura) Melee Weapons: Piercing Claws and Talons Zoanthropes (6) (200 pts) • Neurothrope • 5x Zoanthrope Rules: Shadow in the Warp, Synapse, Blast, Lethal Hits Abilities: Invulnerable Save[1], Spirit Leech (Aura, Psychic), Warp Field (Aura, Psychic) Unit: Neurothrope, Zoanthrope (x5) (x5) Ranged Weapons: Warp Blast - Focused Witchfire (x2) (x4), Warp Blast - Witchfire (x2) (x4) Melee Weapons: Xenos claws and teeth (x2) (x4) Swarm (25 pts) Ripper Swarms (1) (25 pts) • Ripper Swarm Rules: Deep Strike, Synapse, Sustained Hits 1 Abilities: Chitinous Horrors (Aura) Unit: Ripper Swarm Melee Weapons: Xenos Claws and Teeth Monster (855 pts) Exocrine (1) (135 pts) Rules: Deadly Demise D3, Synapse, Heavy, Blast Abilities: Damaged: 1-5 Wounds Remaining, Symbiotic Targeting Unit: Exocrine Ranged Weapons: Bio-plasmic Cannon Melee Weapons: Powerful Limbs Maleceptor (1) (170 pts) Rules: Deadly Demise D3, Shadow in the Warp, Synapse, Blast Unit: Maleceptor Abilities: Damaged: 1-5 Wounds Remaining, Encephalic Diffusion (Aura, Psychic), Invulnerable Save[1] Ranged Weapons: Psychic Overload Melee Weapons: Massive Scything Talons - Strike, Massive Scything Talons - Sweep Norn Emissary (1) (275 pts) Rules: Deadly Demise D6, Shadow in the Warp, Synapse, Feel No Pain 4+, Melta 2, Blast, Psychic, Extra Attacks Unit: Norn Emissary (x2) (x2) Abilities: Damaged: 1-5 Wounds Remaining, Invulnerable Save[1], Singular Purpose, Unnatural Resistance Ranged Weapons: Psychic Tendril - Blast (x2) (x2), Psychic Tendril - Neuroparasite (x2) (x2), Psychic Tendril (x2) (x2) Melee Weapons: Monsterous Rending Talons (x2) (x2), Monsterous Scything Talons (x2) (x2) Norn Emissary (1) (275 pts) Rules: Deadly Demise D6, Shadow in the Warp, Synapse, Feel No Pain 4+, Melta 2, Blast, Psychic, Extra Attacks Unit: Norn Emissary (x2) (x2) Abilities: Damaged: 1-5 Wounds Remaining, Invulnerable Save[1], Singular Purpose, Unnatural Resistance Ranged Weapons: Psychic Tendril - Blast (x2) (x2), Psychic Tendril - Neuroparasite (x2) (x2), Psychic Tendril (x2) (x2) Melee Weapons: Monsterous Rending Talons (x2) (x2), Monsterous Scything Talons (x2) (x2) Rules: Synapse If your Army Faction is TYRANIDS, while a TYRANIDS unit from your army is within 6" of one or more friendly SYNAPSE models, that TYRANIDS unit is said to be within Synapse Range of that model and of your army. While a Tyranids unit from your army is within Synapse Range of your army: % Each time that unit takes a Battle-shock test, take that test on 3D6 instead % Each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, add 1 to the Strength Scouts 8" Some units have ‘Scouts x’ listed in their abilities. If every model in a unit has this ability, then at the start of the first battle round, before the first turn begins, it can make a Normal move of up to x" as if it were your Movement phase – as can any DEDICATED TRANSPORT model such a unit starts the battle embarked within (provided only models with this ability are embarked within that DEDICATED TRANSPORT model). A unit that moves using this ability must end that move more than 9\" horizontally away from all enemy models. If both players have units that can do this, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first. Shadow in the Warp If your Army Faction is TYRANIDS, once per battle, in either player’s Command phase, if one or more units from your army with this ability are on the battlefield, you can unleash the Shadow in the Warp. When you do, each enemy unit on the battlefield must take a Battle-shock test. Each time an enemy unit takes such a Battle-shock test, if it is within 6" of one or more Synapse units from your army, subtract 1 from that test. Leader While a Bodyguard unit contains a Leader, it is known as an Attached unit and, with the exception of rules that are triggered when units are destroyed (pg 12), it is treated as a single unit for all rules purposes. Each time an attack targets an Attached unit, until the attacking unit has resolved all of its attacks, you must use the Toughness characteristic of the Bodyguard models in that unit, even if a Leader in that unit has a different Toughness characteristic. Each time an attack sucessfully wounds an Attached unit, that attack cannot be allocated to a Character model in that unit, even if that Character model has lost one or more wounds or has already had attacks allocated to it this phase. As soon as the last Bodyguard model in an Attached unit has been destroyed, any attacks made against that unit that have yet to be allocated can then be allocated to Character models in that unit. Devastating Wounds Weapons with [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] in their profile are known as Devastating Wounds weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if that attack scores a Critical Wound, no saving throw of any kind can be made against that attack (including invulnerable saving throws). Such attacks are only allocated to models after all other attacks made by the attacking unit have been allocated and resolved Twin-linked Weapons with [TWIN-LINKED] in their profile are known as Twin-linked weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, you can re-roll that attack’s Wound roll. Deadly Demise D3 Some models have 'Deadly Demise x' listed in their abilities. When such a model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play (if such a model is a TRANSPORT, roll before any embarked models disembark). On a 6, each unit within 6" of that model suffers a number of mortal wounds denoted by 'x' (if this is a random number, roll separately for each unit within 6"). Blast Weapons with [BLAST] in their profile are known as Blast weapons, and they make a random number of attacks. Each time you determine how many attacks are made with a Blast weapon, add 1 to the result for every five models that were in the target unit when you selected it as the target (rounding down). Blast weapons can never be used to make attacks against a unit that is within Engagement Range of one or more units from the attacking model’s army (including its own unit). Ignores Cover Weapons with [IGNORES COVER] in their profile are known as Ignores Cover weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, the target cannot have the Benefit of Cover against that attack. Torrent Weapons with [TORRENT] in their profile are known as Torrent weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. Deep Strike During the Declare Battle Formations step, if every model in a unit has this ability, you can set it up in Reserves instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do, in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movement phases you can set up this unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models. Assault Weapons with [ASSAULT] in their profile are known as Assault weapons. If a unit that Advanced this turn contains any models equipped with Assault weapons, it is still eligible to shoot in this turn’s Shooting phase. When such a unit is selected to shoot, you can only resolve attacks using Assault weapons its models are equipped with. Deadly Demise 1 Some models have 'Deadly Demise x' listed in their abilities. When such a model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play (if such a model is a TRANSPORT, roll before any embarked models disembark). On a 6, each unit within 6" of that model suffers a number of mortal wounds denoted by 'x' (if this is a random number, roll separately for each unit within 6"). Heavy Weapons with [HEAVY] in their profile are known as Heavy weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if the attacking model’s unit Remained Stationary this turn, add 1 to that attack’s Hit roll. Indirect Fire Weapons with [INDIRECT FIRE] in their profile are known as Indirect Fire weapons, and attacks can be made with them even if the target is not visible to the attacking model. These attacks can destroy enemy models in a target unit even though none may have been visible to the attacking unit when you selected that target. If no models in a target unit are visible to the attacking unit when you select that target, then each time a model in the attacking unit makes an attack against that target using an Indirect Fire weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s Hit roll and the target has the Benefit of Cover against that attack. Lone Operative Unless part of an Attached unit, this unit can only be selected as the target of a ranged attack if the attacking model is within 12". Infiltrators During deployment, if every model in a unit has this ability, then when you set it up, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from the enemy deployment zone and all enemy models. of ch a Stealth If every model in a unit has this ability, then each time a ranged attack is made against it, subtract 1 from that attack’s Hit roll. Precision Weapons with [PRECISION] in their profile are known as Precision weapons. Each time an attack made with such a weapon successfully wounds an Attached unit, if a Character model in that unit is visible to the attacking model, the attacking model’s player can choose to have that attack allocated to that Character model instead of following the normal attack sequence. Lethal Hits Weapons with [LETHAL HITS] in their profile are known as Lethal Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, a Critical Hit automatically wounds the target. Sustained Hits 1 Weapons with [SUSTAINED HITS X] in their profile are known as Sustained Hits weapons. Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, if a Critical Hit is rolled, that attack scores a number of additional hits on the target as denoted by ‘x’ Deadly Demise D6 Some models have 'Deadly Demise x' listed in their abilities. When such a model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play (if such a model is a TRANSPORT, roll before any embarked models disembark). On a 6, each unit within 6" of that model suffers a number of mortal wounds denoted by 'x' (if this is a random number, roll separately for each unit within 6"). Feel No Pain 4+ Some models have 'Feel No Pain x+' listed in their abilities. Each time a model with this ability suffers damage and so would lose a wound (including wounds lost due to mortal wounds), roll one D6: if the result is greater than or equal to the number denoted by 'x: that wound is ignored and is not lost. If a model has more than one Feel No Pain ability, you can only use one of those abilities each time that model suffers damage and so would lose a wound. Melta 2 Weapons with [MELTA X] in their profile are known as Melta weapons. Each time an attack made with such a weapon targets a unit within half that weapon’s range, that attack’s Damage characteristic is increased by the amount denoted by ‘x’. Psychic Some weapons and abilities can only be used by PSYKERS. Such weapons and abilities are tagged with the word 'Psychic'. If a Psychic weapon or ability causes any unit to suffer one or more wounds, each of those wounds is considered to have been inflicted by a Psychic Attack. Extra Attacks Weapons with [EXTRA ATTACKS] in their profile are known as Extra Attacks weapons. Each time the bearer of such a weapon fights, it can make attacks with that weapon in addition to the one it chooses to fight with. The number of attacks made with an Extra Attacks weapon cannot be modified by other rules. Abilities Adaptive Biology Tyranids model only. The bearer has the Feel No Pain 5+ ability. At the start of any turn, if the bearer has fewer than its starting number of wounds remaining, until the end of the battle, it has the Feel No Pain 4+ ability instead. Chitinous Horrors (Aura) While an enemy unit is within Engagement Range of this unit, halve the Objective Control characteristic of models in that enemy unit. Damaged: 1-5 Wounds Remaining While this model has 1-5 wounds remaining, each time this model makes an attack, subtract 1 from the Hit roll. Encephalic Diffusion (Aura, Psychic) While an enemy unit is within 6" of this model, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, subtract 1 from the Hit roll, and, if that enemy unit is Below Half-strength, subtract 1 from the Wound roll as well. Feeder Tendrils Each time this model destroys an enemy CHARACTER model, you gain 1CP Hyper Adaptions At the start of the first battle round, select one of the following Hyper-adaptations to be active for Tyranids units from your army until the end of the battle: SWARMING INSTINCTS Each time a Tyranids model with this Hyper-adaptation makes an attack that targets an enemy Infantry or Swarm unit, that attack has the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability. HYPER-AGGRESSION Each time a Tyranids model with this Hyper-adaptation makes an attack that targets an enemy Monster or Vehicle unit, that attack has the [LETHAL HITS] ability. HIVE PREDATORS Each time a Tyranids model with this Hyper-adaptation makes an attack that targets an enemy Character unit, if a Critical Hit is scored, that attack has the [PRECISION] ability. Hypnotic Gaze (Psychic) At the start of the Fight phase, select one enemy unit within Engagement Range of this model. Until the end of the phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, subtract 1 from the Hit roll. Invulnerable Save[1] This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Invulnerable Save[2] Models in this unit have a 5+ invulnerable save. Neural Disruption In your Command phase, select one enemy unit within 12" of this model. That unit must take a Battle-shock test Node Lash (Psychic) While this model is leading a unit, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, add 1 to the Hit roll. If the target is Battle-shocked, add 1 to the Wound roll as well. Onslaught (Aura, Psychic) While a friendly TYRANIDS unit is within 6" of this model, ranged weapons equipped by models in that unit have the [ASSAULT] and [LETHAL HITS] abilities. Perfectly Adapted Tyranids model only. Once per turn, you can re-roll one Hit roll, one Wound roll, one Damage roll, one Advance roll, one Charge roll or one saving throw made for the bearer Psychic Terror (Psychic) If one or more Neurotyrants from your army are on the battlefield when you unleash the Shadow in the Warp, subtract 1 from the Battle-shock test each enemy unit on the battlefield must take as a result. Psychological Saboteur (Aura) While an enemy unit is with 12" of this model, if that unit is Battle-shocked: - Each time a model in that unit makes an attack, subtract 1 from the Hit roll - Each time a friendly TYRANIDS model makes an attack that targets that unit, add 1 to the Wound roll. Seed Spore Mines Once per turn, in your Shooting Phase, when selected to shoot, one unit with this ability can use it instead of making any attacks with its ranged weapons. If it does, you can add one new SPORE MINES unit to your army and set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is wholly within 48" of this unit and more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy units. That SPORE MINES unit contains 1 model for each model in this unit. Singular Purpose At the start of the First balle round, select one of the following: - Select one enemy unit. Until the end of the battle, each time this model makes an attack that targets that unit you can re-roll the Hit roll and you can re-roll the Wound roll -Select one objective marker. Until the end of the battle, while this model is within range of that objective marker, it has the Feel No Pain 5+ ability and an Objective Control characteristic of 15. Spirit Leech (Aura, Psychic) While an enemy unit is within 6" of this unit, if it contains a Neurothrope, each time that enemy unit fails a Battle-shock test, it suffers D3 mortal wounds and one model in this unit regains up to D3 lost wounds. Symbiotic Targeting In your Shooting phase, after this model has shot, select one enemy unit hit by one or more of those attacks. Until the end of the phase, each time a friendly TYRANIDS model makes an attack that targets that unit, re-roll a Hit roll of 1. Synaptic Relays In your Command phase, you can select up to two friendly Tyranids units within 18" of this model’s unit. Until the start of your next Command phase, the selected units are always considered to be within Synapse Range of your army. Unnatural Resistance This model has the Feel No Pain 4+ ability against Mortal Wounds. Vanguard Predator Each time a model in this unit makes an attack, re-roll a Hit roll of 1. If the target is within range of one or more objective markers, re-roll a Wound roll 1 as well. Vicious Insight While this model is leading a unit, weapons equipped by models in that unit have the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability. Warp Field (Aura, Psychic) While a friendly TYRANIDS unit is within 6" of this unit, models in that unit have a 6+ invulnerable save. Will of the Hive Mind Once per turn, one friendly TYRANIDS unit within 12" of one or more models with this ability can be targeted with a Stratagem for 0CP, even if another unit from your army has already been targeted with that Stratagem this phase. Winged Swarm In your Shooting phase, after this unit has shot, if it is not within Engagement Range of any enemy units, it can make a Normal move of up to 6". If it does, until the end of the turn, this unit is not eligible to declare a charge. Unit M T SV W LD OC Biovore 5" 6 3+ 5 8+ 1 Broodlord 8" 5 4+ 6 7+ 1 Exocrine 8" 10 3+ 14 8+ 4 Gargoyles (x20) (x20) 12" 3 6+ 1 8+ 2 Genestealers (x10) (x10) 8" 4 5+ 2 7+ 1 Hive Tyrant 8" 10 2+ 10 7+ 3 Maleceptor 8" 11 3+ 14 7+ 4 Neurolictor 8" 5 4+ 7 7+ 1 Neurothrope 5" 5 5+ 3 7+ 1 Neurotyrant 6" 8 4+ 9 7+ 3 Norn Emissary (x2) (x2) 10" 11 2+ 16 7+ 5 Ripper Swarm 6" 2 6+ 4 8+ 0 Zoanthrope (x5) (x5) 5" 5 5+ 3 7+ 1 Melee Weapons Range Massive Scything Talons - Strike Melee Massive Scything Talons - Sweep Melee Blinding Venom (x2) (x2) Melee Broodlord Claws and Talons Melee Chitin-barbed Limbs Melee Genestealers claws and talons Melee Monsterous Rending Talons (x2) (x2) Melee Monsterous Scything Talons (x2) (x2) Melee Monstrous bonesword and lash whip Melee Neurotyrant claws and lashes Melee Piercing Claws and Talons Melee Powerful Limbs Melee Xenos Claws and Teeth Melee Xenos claws and teeth (x2) (x2) Melee WS 3+ 3+ 4+ 2+ 4+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 3+ 5+ 5+ D Keywords D6+1 - 2 - 1 - 2 Devastating Wounds, Twin-linked 1 - 1 - 2 Extra Attacks 3 - 3 Twin-linked 1 - 1 Precision 2 - 1 Sustained Hits 1 1 - A SAP 3 9-2 6 7-1 130 5 6-2 250 4 4-2 4 7-2 6 9-2 6 9-2 650 6 6-2 370 620 230 Ranged Weapons Range A BS S AP D Psychic Tendril - Blast (x2) (x2) 18" 2D6 2+ 6 -2 1 Blast, Psychic Psychic Tendril - Neuroparasite (x2) (x2) 18" 2 2+ 8 -2 D3 Precision, Psychic Psychic Tendril (x2) (x2) 18" 2 2+ 12 -3 D6 Melta 2, Psychic Warp Blast - Focused Witchfire (x2) (x2) 24" 1 3+ 12 -3 D6+1 Lethal Hits, Psychic Warp Blast - Witchfire (x2) (x2) 24" D3 3+ 7 -2 D3 Blast, Psychic Bio-plasmic Cannon 36" D6+3 3+ 9 -3 3 Blast, Heavy Fleshborer (x2) (x2) 18" 1 4+ 5 0 1 Assault Heavy Venom Cannon 36" D3 2+ 9 -2 3 Blast Psychic Overload 18" D6+3 3+ 10 -2 3 Blast, Psychic Psychic scream 18" 2D6 N/A 5 -1 2 Ignores Cover, Psychic, Torrent Spore Mine Launcher 48" D3 4+ 6 -1 2 Blast, Devastating Wounds, Heavy, Indirect Fire Abilities Leader[1] This model can be attached to the following unit: - GENESTEALERS Leader[2] This model can be attached to the following unit: - TYRANT GUARD Leader[3] This model can be attached to the following units: - NEUROGAUNT - TYRANT GUARD - ZOANTHROPES undefined