Event: II GT Tormenta de Hostias

Oscar Cervera


  1. Win - Death Guard
  2. Win - Death Guard
  3. Loss - Necrons
  4. Loss - Grey Knights
  5. Loss - Tyranids
++ Army Roster (Imperium - Adeptus Custodes) [2,000pts] ++ + Configuration + Battle Size: 2. Strike Force (2000 Point limit) Detachments: Talons of the Emperor Show/Hide Options: Agents of the Imperium are visible, Imperial Knights are visible + Character [140pts] + Blade Champion [140pts]: Radiant Mantle [30pts], Vaultswords, Warlord + Battleline [405pts] + Custodian Guard [225pts] . 4x Custodian Guard (Guardian Spear): 4x Guardian Spear . Custodian Guard (Vexilla, Praesidium Shield & Misericordia): Misericordia, Vexilla Custodian Guard [180pts] . 4x Custodian Guard (Guardian Spear): 4x Guardian Spear + Infantry [625pts] + Prosecutors [40pts] . 3x Prosecutor: 3x Boltgun, 3x Close combat weapon . Prosecutor Sister Superior: Boltgun, Close combat weapon Prosecutors [40pts] . 3x Prosecutor: 3x Boltgun, 3x Close combat weapon . Prosecutor Sister Superior: Boltgun, Close combat weapon Venatari Custodians [330pts] . Venatari Custodian (Kinetic Destroyer & Tarsus Buckler): Kinetic destroyer, Tarsis buckler . 5x Venatari Custodian (Venatari lance): 5x Venatari lance Venatari Custodians [165pts] . 3x Venatari Custodian (Venatari lance): 3x Venatari lance Witchseekers [50pts] . 3x Witchseeker: 3x Close combat weapon, 3x Witchseeker flamer . Witchseeker Sister Superior: Close combat weapon, Witchseeker flamer + Vehicle [670pts] + Caladius Grav-tank [215pts]: Armoured hull, Twin arachnus heavy blaze cannon, Twin lastrum bolt cannon Caladius Grav-tank [215pts]: Armoured hull, Twin arachnus heavy blaze cannon, Twin lastrum bolt cannon Venerable Land Raider [240pts]: Armoured tracks, 2x Godhammer lascannon, Hunter-killer missile, Storm bolter, Twin heavy bolter + Dedicated Transport [75pts] + Anathema Psykana Rhino [75pts]: Armoured tracks, Hunter-killer missile, Storm Bolter + Allied Units [85pts] + Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus [85pts]: Dirgesinger, Power fist, Psychic Tempest ++ Total: [2,000pts] ++ Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net) undefined