Event: Wheat City Open 2025: 40k

Kevin solomon


  1. Win - Chaos Space Marines
  2. Win - Dark Angels
  3. Loss - Aeldari
  4. Loss - Orks
  5. Win - Aeldari
  6. Loss - Necrons
fun (2000 points) Imperial Knights Strike Force (2000 points) Noble Lance CHARACTERS Canis Rex (450 points) • 1x Chainbreaker las-impulsor 1x Chainbreaker multi-laser 1x Freedom’s Hand Cerastus Knight Atrapos (455 points) • 1x Atrapos lascutter 1x Graviton singularity cannon • Enhancement: Banner of Macharius Triumphant Knight Castellan (510 points) • 1x Plasma decimator 2x Shieldbreaker missile launcher 1x Titanic feet 2x Twin meltagun 1x Twin siegebreaker cannon 1x Volcano lance Knight Crusader (445 points) • Warlord • 1x Avenger gatling cannon 1x Heavy flamer 1x Meltagun 1x Questoris heavy stubber 1x Rapid-fire battle cannon 1x Stormspear rocket pod 1x Titanic feet BATTLELINE Armiger Warglaive (140 points) • 1x Meltagun 1x Reaper chain-cleaver 1x Thermal spear Exported with App Version: v1.28.0 (72), Data Version: v574 undefined