Ben Alway

2000 points - Detachment; DREAD MOB. Characters: 1 x Big Mek - 70 points (Kustom mega-blasta and Drilla) 1 x Mek - 45 points (Kustom mega-slugga and killsaw) - Warlord 1 x Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun - 65 points (Close combat weapon and shokk attack gun) Battleline: 1 x 10 Boyz - 80 points (Boyz slugga and choppa x 9 - Nob Slugga and Big Choppa) 4 x 11 Gretchin - 160 points (Runtherd - slugga; runtherd tools - Gretchin - grot blasta; close combat weapon) Dedicated Transport: 1 x Trukk - 65 points (Big shoota, Spiked wheels, Wreckin' ball) Other Datasheets: 1 x Stompa - 800 points (3 big shootas; deffkannon; skorcha; supa-gatler; supa-rokkits; twin big shoota; mega-choppa.) 2 x 6 killa kans - 500 points (Both squads: 6 x Kan klaw - 6 X rokkit launcha) 1 x 3 mek gunz - 150 points (3 x smasha gun; grot crew) 1 x 5 Stormboyz - 65 points (4 x slugga; choppa, 1 xboss nob slugga and power klaw) undefined